Donna and Ron are exceptional Teachers in the field of energy healing and self-awareness.
They combine their 60 years of teaching experience with the knowledge they have accumulated
from a wide variety of Healers, Mentors, and Teachers, to present to you a pure, full,
and broad scope of Spiritual based healing knowledge.

With the use of manuals, suggested reading, guided meditations, demonstrations, and practice time, you will be supplied with some excellent tools for your own path to self-wellness.


Important Support for you through this trying time

Frequent Staying Well Tips for All

Your experience working with Donna and Ron in Reiki and other methods or Spiritual Guidance will assist you on your own path to wellness.

Kauai Private sessions with Ron and Donna for the Tibetan Bowls, Maha Reiki® and Maha Cranial® are available by appointment. Call Donna at 253-988-8931 to schedule time and location.

Long Distance, Facetime/Skype Maha Reiki® intuitive sessions are available by calling or emailing Donna to set date and time.

Receive long distance Training, attunements and empowerments by calling or emailing Donna to set date and time.
Learning new methods of self-wellness by changing old patterns is the key to self-healing. Through the assortment of classes and techniques, your personal and work life can be greatly enhanced and re-tuned to your personal truth and wellness.
Usui and Karuna® Maha Reiki® Master Teacher, Maha Cranial® Teacher, Minister, and Spiritual Healer

   “The Journey by Hal Weaver”