Maha Methods – on the Beautiful Island of Kauai, Hawaii

Donna Lambdin
Ph.D, Maha Reiki® Usui, Karuna® Reiki Master Teacher, Maha Cranial® Teacher Practitioner, Minister and Spiritual Healer.
Reiki Sessions & Classes, Cranial Sessions, Tibetan Bowls, Intuitive Sessions and Soul Retrieval by appointments on Kauai, Hawaii

Ron Goodwin
Ph.D, Maha Reiki® Usui, Karuna® Reiki Master
Tibetan Bowl classes, Private & Group Bowl sessions by appointment on Kauai, Hawaii
Always a free Spirit, dancing, swimming, following her passion, Donna’s great gift of her ability to love, understand, mentor, teach and empower others has been present since she began teaching Ballet at the age of fifteen. These gifts have continued to grow and expand, as the decades have flown by.
Connecting with Highest Light Guidance from Great Source, Donna truly attempts to bring the personal experience of each student and client in touch with their own Spirituality. Her intuitive and psychic abilities endear Donna to those who seek guidance to spark their own higher consciousness. It is with such gratitude and compassion that she brings her teachings through these manuals and her classes.

Donna’s Credentials
* 2018 Created Maha Cranial® intensive 1 year study/certification program
* 2018 Maha Reiki® trademarked after 15 years of evolving practice/techniques
* 2018 Publication of 3 levels of Maha Reiki® training manuals
* PH.D. in Metaphysical Sciences – 2018
* Cranial Healing Method from Tibet- Apprentice 2012, Practitioner 2014, Teacher training 2016-2018
* Tibetan Bowls Sound Healings – Certified in Tibetan Bowl healing techniques 2008, advanced techniques 2009, Teacher 2012
* 2007 Karuna Reiki® Master Teacher & Practitioner
* 2005 Ordained Minister – The National Organization of Spiritual Healers and Earth Stewards
* 2005 Usui Reiki Master Teacher/ Practitioner Donna’s Reiki Master Lineage
* Usui Reiki Practitioner
* Creator of the Corporate Wellness Program “ Natural Balance” A one hour program to teach employees methods of ease to release eye, mental, and physical stress throughout their work day.
* Kundalini Yoga – Ongoing study and practice since 2001
* 2001 Two year Vibrational Systems Certificate & Post Certificate Program Intensive study of Holistic Health, Healing, and the Evolution of Consciousness
In 2008 Ron was introduced to Reiki and was fortunate to re-connect with Donna Lambdin who he had known since 1984. He continued his studies with her and became a Usui/Karuna Reiki Master in 2010. During this period Ron studied Kundalini Yoga which helped him increase his levels of awareness.
While studying with Donna, Ron discovered the power of sound vibrational healing and was drawn to Tibetan Singing Bowls and Tuning Forks. In 2012 Ron became a certified crystal tuning fork practitioner and a certified Tibetan Bowl Teacher in the Spiritual based, ancient Tibetan healing protocols. In the same year Ron began co-teaching various classes with Donna Lambdin. In 2015 Ron completed his Ph.D studies at UMS.
Ron has been blessed to have traveled to various sacred places including Peru, Sedona, Mt. Shasta, and Kauai which have helped him raise his consciousness and psychic abilities. Ron has worked with Donna on various projects and in 2018 he co-authored 3 Maha Reiki training manuals with her. Ron and Donna currently have a wellness center in Sequim, Washington and a healing practice in Tacoma, Wa.

Ron’s Credentials
* 2018 Co-authored 3 Maha Reiki training manuals with Donna Lambdin
* 2015 Completed Ph.D in Metaphysics at UMS
* 2012 Began co-teaching various classes with Donna Lambdin
* 2009 Began sound vibrational healing with Tibetan Singing Bowls, became a certified Bowl Teacher and certified crystal tuning fork practitioner in 2012
* 2008 Began Kundalini Yoga practice
* 2008 Began Reiki training, 2010 Usui and Karuna® Reiki Master
* 1989 Introduction to Metaphysics through Unity Church
* 1975 MBA in Finance, College of Notre Dame, 45 year career in corporate banking