Pacific Northwest Teachers and Practitioners Directory

Beth Lauderdale | 206-390-7529
Evolutionary Astrology and Customized Readings.
Pierce County, Washington and beyond

Brook Guinn, Reiki Practitioner | 253-941-5855
Maha Reiki Master Teacher/Practitioner and Tibetan Bowls Teacher/Practitioner | – Health – Wellness work and Flower Essences. Call for private consultations or sessions by appointment – South King County

Diana Daley | 206-683-6753
– Maha Cranial® Practitioner, Maha Reiki® Master Practitioner/Teacher, Tibetan Bowls, Karuna, Ordained Minister
Maha Cranial® and Maha Reiki® sessions by appointment in Bellevue and Kirkland

Debby Trevino | 253-222-3787
Master Maha® Reiki Teacher Practitioner, Chakra balancing and Tibetan Bowls
Third Saturday Happy Healing Center Sound Baths 6-8pm at Happy Healing Center in Tacoma/Frederickson.

Laura Heideman | 253-330-4873

Maha Reiki® Master Teacher / Practitioner | Usui/Tibetan System of Reiki Healing | Maha Tibetan Singing Bowls Sound and Vibrational Healing | Advanced Teacher / Practitioner
Third Saturday Happy Healing Center Sound Baths 6-8pm at Happy Healing Center in Tacoma/Frederickson.